Exhausted. Angry. Mad.
As written previously, I’m on my second cycle of my chemo treatment. Everything’s ok – just like the first chemo – what I felt and what I’m going tru.

However, yesterday was the worst day of my chemo process. 5 times being needle – just because the Dr cannot (or can be said as not good enuff) to find my vein. Sakit, memang sakit – He pricked me 4 times which later on I requested for a different Dr.

While waiting for other Dr, i cried - like a baby. Saat tu rasa nak lari je balik rumah and never turn up to that hospital again. I really felt like berputus asa. ;(

And Alhamdullillah, a female Muslim Dr came. Not being religious racist but I preferred Muslim as he/she will recite ‘Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani’ before perforate tru my vein.

Moan. Moan. Moan. I can't imagine going through this 2, 3, 4 or 5 more times. I can't think about that right now.
Sad, sad post. Will feel better tomorrow I'm sure.

Bruises here and there...


Oh! I'm almost forgot to write. My levels have dropped! 297.
Alhamdullilah. That’s 15025 down.
Great news! Despite of all, I'm so grateful that this is working.

5 Responses to "Bad feeling vs Good news"

  1. aida Says:

    tabah banyak2 ye neeza. ku tau kamu kuat :D

  2. otro Says:

    dr yg cucuk mu itu dr housemanship kot.. PPUM kan byk dak2 wat housemanship, lagipun setau aku dulu kan masa aku dok sana selalu mmg yg tukang cucuk suh budak housemanship..

    beco butterfly dia tuh yg version 1 la rasenyee.. huhu.. aku tgh sabo dari tak sopping babywearing ni.. arap2 kesabaran aku berterusan.. anyway arap2 level ko akan turun pada normal.. Aminnn

  3. ena Says:

    haip! mana leh putus asa!! kang ku babap kang!!
    ko kan kuat semangat! utk diri ko, utk zahra dan utk hubby...
    kuatkan semangat semula ok!!


    neeza... misi ku tak berjaya lagik la... exchange rate skang tinggi. hubby bagi max 3K jer.. tapi itu graffiti kale suda RM3.2K huhuhu

  4. cikwawi Says:

    kita kalu nak cucuk orang zaman dolu2 mesti baca bismillah.. pastu cakap dalam hati ya Allah, janganla sampai orang ni menangis... :-)

  5. Naza Sulaiman a.k.a Ajasu Says:

    alahai An, masa aku dtg tgk ko tuh, aku belek tgn ko pastu ckp2 pasal cucuk2 tuh kan, seriyes An, wawi, Aku x baca pon entry nih..lama sgt aku x jengah all the Blogs. Aku tatau ampunnnn...patut la wawi kedu jek masa aku ckp psl cucuk nih... huwaaaa....aku tatau An. Sorry... aku jumpa Wawi aku nk babap dia...

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